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Results, University Pathways and Careers

JPC NAPLAN Result (Years 3, 5, 7 and 9)


At John Paul College, we understand the importance of achieving academic excellence. That's why we're proud to say that our students consistently rank among the best-performing in the state for the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). NAPLAN is an annual assessment that tests students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 on their skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and numeracy. Our students' exceptional results in these tests are a testament to the quality of our educational experience. Our culture of learning fosters a love of education and a dedication to achieving one's best. At JPC, we strive to provide a comprehensive educational experience that balances academic excellence with personal growth and development. Our commitment to a well-rounded education is reflected in the consistent success of our students. Join JPC to experience the benefits of a top-performing educational institution. Let us help you achieve your academic goals and set you on a path towards lifelong success.

What is an ATAR?

The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), students will be ranked 2000-point scale from 0.00 to 99.95 in increments of 0.05 across the Queensland State.

It is a precentile RANK, not a MARK, and indicates a student's position relative to others in their age group in any given year. Please click here to view the video.

All Year 12 students receive scaled marks of their top 10 subjects in both year 11 and 12 with each unit counting towards a total score worth 50 points, giving a final score out of 500 for all units.

JPC's Year 12 Results

JPC ATAR 2023 Result

  • 100% received a QCE
  • 100% receive​​d an University offer
  • 41% achieved an ATAR above 90
  • 28% achieved an ATAR above 95
  • 86 Median ATAR 2023 cohort score

JPC ATAR 2022 Result

  • 100% received a QCE
  • 100% received an University offer
  • 40% achieved an ATAR above 90
  • 20% achieved an ATAR above 95
  • 86.6 Median ATAR 2022 cohort score

JPC ATAR 2021 Result

  • 42% achieved an ATAR above 90
  • 24.5% achieved an ATAR above 95
  • 88.80 Median ATAR 2021 cohort score
